
What is the most valuable thing in advancing not only business, but improving the human condition?

Fresh Ideas

Environmental strategies and solutions for corporate and government based on realistic economically beneficial practices  

Only a startup, such as ourselves, with our unique and varied history can offer the “out of the box” solutions with novel perspectives to produce doable strategies.

Paul Einbinder has won much much notoriety when his unique environmental essay in 1987 was endorsed by the Secretary General of the United Nations.

“The economy, at least the tangible portion is intrinsically tied to the environment. Everything physical that has been commercially offered, whether harvested, mined, constructed, manufactured, resold and eventually disposed of or recycled, one way or the other is involved with the earth’s resources.” (for more read “Economics and the Environment”)

Level-headed and realistic approach to complex issues

The reality is that humans need to perceive and relate to this planet as one would to their goose that lays the golden egg .

The earth is the wellspring that drives the economy. A perfect analogy would be to see ourselves as a compassionate gardener.

A garden is an organic living entity that can provide foods, materials and aesthetic beauty. It requires tending and nurturing. The garden is a microcosm of the earth.

In reality it takes “out of the box” novel fresh ideas to make the necessary changes to improve the environmental state while improving profitability.

Call 1-786 785 1613 for more information or send a message